7 Foods that Improves Digestion | Healthy Lifestyle @ Health Tips Insider Portal - Health Tips Insider Portal


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

7 Foods that Improves Digestion | Healthy Lifestyle @ Health Tips Insider Portal

Digestion is very important to the human body. Many ways on how to improve the Digestive system published in articles and videos online. Being healthy is the most important thing in living since their lots of food that is not good for the health when eating too much yet addictive to eat. There are live bacteria such as probiotics that are good for the human body. Probiotics improve digestion and heart vitality and also reduce the risk of depression. Additionally, probiotics diet can lead to healthier skin.

Here are the Top 7 Foods that Improves Digestion with a good source of probiotics

1. Raw Cheese

Contains high in probiotics, acidophilus, bifudus, thermophilous, and bulgaricus.  Some cheese also contains good bacteria such as cheddar, cottage cheese, Gouda and mozzarella. Also, they are rich in essential vitamins, protein, and minerals such as calcium, Vitamin  B12, selenium, and phosphorus. It reduces risk from heart disease and osteoporosis. 

2. Traditional buttermilk

This food contains and rich in calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and phosphorus. A better alternative for those who have a low-calorie or following a low-fat diet.

3. Kefir

Is a dairy product where it is the mixture of fermented kefir grains and milk. A fermented food with yeast and bacteria making it higher contents of good probiotics. The Kefir contains 10 to 34 strains of probiotics.

4. Fermented vegetables

There are many fermented vegetables but most of it, there are top two probiotic-rich vegetables which are kimchi and sauerkraut.

5. Pickles

Are known for having a low in calories and contain high levels of vitamin K especially those fermented ones. Also, it improves digestive health.

6. Miso

This food is very healthy and good for your healthy lifestyle which is more of fiber and protein. It is produced by fermented soybeans with salt, koji, rice, barley, and seaweed or other ingredients. Originally from Japanese as one of their traditional spice where usually mixed in soup and some dishes. Miso said to contain a high level of vitamin K, manganese and copper.
7. Yogurt

Is the most popular probiotic diet that improves your digestive system as well as good for your bone health and blood pressure. It is somewhat recommended to drink every after a meal. It is also good for children especially who suffer from diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IRS).

Photo Source: Pixabay

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