TOP 9 Food that helps Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer - Health Tips Insider Portal


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

TOP 9 Food that helps Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer somewhat popular for most women but men are not also exempted in this disease. Most women in the United Stated diagnosed this kind of cancer. A form of cells on the breast that turn into cancer afterwards. There are many awareness and symptoms of having breast cancer. In other countries, having breast cancer is somewhat supported by an organization to help out for those who have these diseases.

In taking food to eat, there is no guarantee that you can be exempted or being free from having breast cancer. But there is some food that will help you to lower the possibility to have breast cancer. There are many articles published via the internet to give you ideas and information about breast cancer. This article will give you the top 9 food that will help you to lower the risk and possibilities of having breast cancer.
#1 - Olive oil

An anti-inflammatory that will help you to prevent having breast cancer. It is a form of liquid fat that is commonly used for cooking especially from frying and dressing of salad. Adding olive oil to anything that you eat is much better.

#2 - Fatty Fish

Good source of omega-3 fatty acids. A fish like a mackerel, salmon, trout, albacore, herring, and sardines is some example of the Fatty Fish. They said that Fatty Fish is scientifically-proven to help and prevent many types of cancer diseases including breast cancer.

#3 - Tomatoes

Powerfully nutritious, a providing a major dietary source of antioxidant protection and lycopene against cancer, heart strengthening, and even preventing constipation. It also a great source of vitamins and minerals that gives many health benefits. To activate the lycopene content of the tomatoes, exposing it from heat will help.

#4 - Sweet Potatoes

High in fiber content, antioxidant, vitamins, and minerals, It is also good for the eyes and helps prevent constipation. Sweet Potatoes said to have beta-carotene that will also help to lower the risk from breast cancer.

#5 - Mushrooms

High in antioxidants, low in fat, selenium, calories, and vitamin D. The vitamin D content from the mushroom is a nutrient that is said to be proven to help prevent breast cancer. Mushrooms that grow at the bay have an excellent source for having a Vitamin D.

#6 - Berries

Loaded with powerful antioxidant that will help you to prevent breast cancer. It is good to eat berries when you feel like having a snack. Also, berries said to be one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.

#7 - Nuts

Packed with beneficial nutrients for your body that may reduce the risk to many diseases. It gives a healthy fat that fights the inflammation. Inflammation is somewhat linked to developing a cancer disease including breast cancer.

#8 - Turmeric

Belong to the ginger family that is commonly used as a spice especially in India. Aside from using it is as a spice, it also benefits and used for medical purposes. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb used from centuries as a treatment to a variety of diseases. Turmeric can be added in soups, salad, and smoothies for healthy intake food.

#9 - Cruciferous Vegetables

Impressive for having a health benefit to the body. Cabbage, garden cress, cauliflower,  broccoli, brussels sprouts, and bok choy are the example of the Cruciferous Vegetables. These vegetables are the best to include on your foods diet to healthy living by preventing any disease including breast cancer and many types of cancer.

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