Health Benefits You Can Get When Drinking AVOCADO Juice (Smoothie) - Health Tips Insider Portal


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Health Benefits You Can Get When Drinking AVOCADO Juice (Smoothie)

Avocado Juice is one of the delicious fruit that even children would love this, aside from great taste it has a lot of health benefits that you might not yet discover, so we give you some tips how avocado juice contribute to our healthy lifestyle.

You can create your own Juice by using fruit juice blender or other tools that could help you from making natural juice.

Things To Do When Preparing Avocado Juice
  • Prepare a frozen avocado flesh and water.
  • Put frozen avocado and water in blender or juicer and process it until avocado smooth.
  • Enjoy drinking.
What Are The Health Benefits of Avocado Juice?
  1. Supports blood pressure levels (potassium)
  2. Reduces the risk for cataract and macular degeneration (lutein, zeaxanthin)
  3. Is a weight-loss friendly food (high in fiber, low in the carb)
  4. Improves cardiovascular system (oleic acid)
  5. Regulates blood sugar (fiber)
  6. Lowers blood cholesterol levels (beta-sitosterol)
  7. Reverses insulin resistance (monounsaturated fats)
  8. Helps prevent neural tube defect and spina bifida (folate)
  9. Boosts the immune system (glutathione)
You may evaporated milk, instead of water. Another alternative is soymilk, but you may have to add stevia to sweeten the smoothie ligthly.
So this Avocado Smoothie Juice could really help and support blood pressure level, and it is also good for blood sugar regulation.

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