7 Surprising Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide - Health Tips Insider Portal


Monday, April 10, 2017

7 Surprising Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

My aunt developed cancer on her large intestine after many years of consuming barbecue meats, poultry and fast food meals like McDonald's Burger King or Carl's Jr. she was told she only had a few months to live due to how advance her cancer was! So she was sent home. I gave her some brochures about hydrogen peroxide n other natural medicines! And luckily she listen, 'cause after five months of hydrogen peroxide treatments n other natural herbs not only she got cure from cancer but she got better n cure from other health problems she had! Of course doctors ignored her n didn't believe her on how she got cure n healthier!!

When my sons had chicken pox, a little over 20 years ago, one of them asked me to put peroxide (the bubbly stuff) on his pock mark, that was getting infected. In around six hours, the chicken pox dried up and scabbed. Three weeks later, I did the same thing on my other son, and had the exact same results.
Lots of excellent info in here! I've used many of these (and more!) and they work great. One of my favorite uses is to put HP on a qtip and swab inside of my nose when I have a cold. I always rinse with salt water after doing that. I used to have horrible sinus infections, but I have never had one for years since I started doing that.

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